Friday, September 25, 2009

What not to wear

There are so many things that annoy me about the way certain guys dress. Since when was everyone looking the same original? If i see one more skinny jean, LDRS tee, Jordan combo I will seriously scream. Guys, please step it up. I've compiled a list of things to help ya'll out in the fashion department.

1. If your not skinny, DO NOT wear skinny jeans. You and your clothes should not be an oxymoron.

2. DO NOT walk like you have a stick up your butt so you wont crease your shoes.

3. DO NOT wear something just because you saw someone else with it on. Have some originality and do something on your own.

4. Stay away from "diamond" encrusted watches.

5. If your skinny and yours shoes look like moon boots on you, maybe you shouldnt buy those shoes.

6. Its okay to go shopping with your mother, not all mothers are completely blind to what looks good.

7. No one wants to see your Family Guy boxer drawls (yes i said drawls), pull your pants up.

8. Baby brown shoes are a no no. If your white shoes are dirty, dont wear em.

9. Little kid cartoon backpacks are so lame. I understand you wanna be New Boyz retro hipster, but leave those at home.

10. This has little to do with clothes, but CUT YOUR NAILS.

This should help as well...

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